About the Swiss Set

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What is the Swiss Set?

The Swiss Set was created following the 'rush' to create more varied and interesting .grf files to spice up the playing experience of OTTD and TTDPatch.

The set comprises many different varied engines, from steam to electric, narrow gauge and standard gauge, rolling stock from across the ages of Swiss's vast transport history.

Currently, we are the stage of an almost 3 year old taster, with multiple graphical and coding errors, product of many hours of toil those years ago. As of late, the set is experiencing somewhat of a reincarnation with several sprites being redrawn, and the website being modernised.

We are always on the lookout for help, be it with stats, graphics or coding. Please contact us, you can see how on the useful links page.

Lastly, a thanks to all the people who have helped create the set!

James Vassie (Website Designer & Set Manager)
