For some time it has been possible to replace the original graphics in Transport Tycoon Deluxe with self-made graphics. This was first accomplished by Patchman with his releases of TTDPatch.
Later on things got even more exciting when OpenTTD was released, a clone of Transport Tycoon Deluxe completely rewritten in C.
One of the first artists to develop a comprehensive graphics set to replace original game graphics was Michael Blunk. Inspired by his DBSet with German trains a group of people on the TT-forums community
decided it was time for a Dutch trainset. After keeping the public in suspense for quite some time version 1.0 was released on March 1st, 2009.
In the mean time other people started work on a Dutch Stationset and a Dutch Tramset. In between Purno managed to squeeze out Dutch signals and Dutch catenary. All of these graphics are available for download on this site. You
will find links to the sets in the menu to the left. If you're interested in the statistics of vehicle we highly recommend you to browse through the various set's pages.