If you know a useful site to place at this links page, please let me know. I could use any useful site in those links.
If you want to place a link to this site on your own website, you could use this image. If there comes a new logo, I will use the same filename, so if you link to the image, you will get the newest logo without having to update your site. Alternatively you may use just text, in stead of the image, as that would probably fit better in your site lay-out. Thanks!
- Transport Tycoon Forums - The place to talk or ask questions about Transport Tycoon. With thousands of members and lots of projects this is probably one of the biggest communities
- TTD knownledge exchange portal - This site contains lots of info about Transport Tycoon, including drawing tutorials mainly for road vehicles.
- TTD Patch - Here you can download the latest patch and major graphics sets like the DBSet. This is probably the most important website
- GRFCodec - With GRFCodec you can decode and encode GRF files, to edit the sprites or the NFO code.
- European Railway Server - The ERS contains tonnes of pictures of all countries in Europe, this is a good site if you need pictures of railway vehicles to draw.
- NFO Tutorial - Here is some explanatory about the NFO language.
- TTDPatch Wiki - This site contains about everything you need to know about NFO.
- Michael Bluncks website - This site contains info about the DBSet and other project of Michael Blunck.
- TTD Graphics Site - On this site you can download all kind of graphics for TT, and more important: You can upload new graphics
- i.Mage - Here you can download the i.Mage drawing program for free.
- Owen's Transport Tycoon Station - This site contains lots of information, tips and lots of other thingies about Transport Tycoon.
- IrfanView - This is a free tool to convert images to other filetypes (for example BMP, PNG, JPG and PCX).