The Swiss Set for OpenTTD by James Vassie 20.06.2005 Version 0.1 25.06.2005 1.) Introduction: =============== This is the readme for the Swiss Set, a set which allows users of OpenTTD and soon TTDPatch to experience the thrill of creating a network and using trains from the magnificent country of Switzerland. The set has been created to run in the artic climate, as of course much of Switzerland in real life is covered by snow for most of the year. The set consists of some 30 locomotives; electric, diesel and steam, plus 30 wagons, a mixture of both passenger and freight. To successfully use the Swiss Set, you are required to have the latest stable OpenTTD version, 0.4.1 and it is recommended to use the latest nightly, available on the website. 2.) Installation: ============== To install the Swiss Set, first download the file '' available on the downloads page of our website. To get the individual .grf file, you will need to unzip it with a program such as winzip or winrar. Once unzipped, you should have a copy of the .grf file, a copy of this readme and a user guide. Always check the website for the latest release. Place the .grf file into your /data folder located in your OpenTTD folder. After, open the file 'openttd.cfg' normally located in your main folder along with the game icon. This is the hardest part, mainly for getting the spelling right. Scroll down to the very bottom, unless you have used newgrf sets before, the last thing you will see is '[bans]', add a new line at the bottom called'[newgrf]' and below that type the following 'swissset.grf'. Save the .cfg file and load up OpenTTD. The set should now be successfully working. If not, check the FAQ's below. 3.) What does the set contain? ============== For a detailed and explained list, please refer to the guide.doc file available on the website and with the file. 4.) Acknowledgements ============== Id particularly like to thank the people who helped me to create this set, either with the drawing, researching, coding or mearly giving your thoughts on the TT-Forums thread.