Site preparation at French Set Station


The lawyers and Lloyds of London were notified and after much haggling a settlement was agreed upon thus laying the groundwork for reconstruction to begin. The site was cleared and the engineers and architects were engaged to prepare designs for a new complex. While the final touches were applied to the drawings, site preparation was begun and is well under way as may be seen in the accompanying photograph. Work Train 1 has just delivered another load of ballast to support the new platforms. Work Train 2 is departing after dropping off another load of rails produced at a neighbouring steel mill, while Work Train 3 waits to take its place and unload some much needed tools and hardware. Note that the trains are pulled by brand new 040TA's, the first of an extensive line up of rolling stock on order for the French Set Railroad Company. The management has requested that we keep you appraised of events as they develop so please stay tuned to this page for future announcements.

Tragedy at French Set Station


Sometime ago an unfortunate tragedy occured as the orudge express went on a rampage and crashed into several stations on the tt-forums line, including the French Set station. Casualties were heavy and the platforms were destroyed. After an extensive period of closure, the architects and engineers have submitted their proposals and enjoying the approval of the Board of Directors, have begun a redesign of this magnificent facility. The contractors have been engaged and their crews are in the process of clearing the debris in order to make way for reconstruction. It is expected that the French Set Headquarters and Station will reopen in due course. Please stay tuned to this station for further announcements.