Welcome to Round 3 of the Transport Tycoon Forums Screenshot Competition

Please look at all 7 Screenshots below and vote for your favourite in the poll in the thread. Thank you!

1. Lobster shows us his shot of UKRS in the arctic climate.

2. Chrill gives the competition another go with this busy scene using UKRS, Canadian Stations and TTRS.

3. Pingaware's shot of Lesway station "at a busyish time" using UKRS, Canadian stations, Industrial Stations Renewal along with the HOVS bus set.

4. Two5Kid submits this artic scene using NABS, CanSet and Industrial Stations Renewal.

5. Pinkmoon tried to enter two shots for the competition and as such only his first was entered. He uses DBSetXL, ISR, Czech Rail set and the Dutch Station Set.

6. Ameecher's shot of Blyth Station area shows a busy scene using ISR and the DBSet along with TTRS and the Total Bridge Replacement Set.

7. James Vassie sends this picture of Dusseldorf using TTRS, PBI, ISR and of course, the DBSetXL.